
Enable Information-driven decisions

User proximity, usage of cutting edge technologies, deep understanding of the customer needs created the first dashboard with KPIs coming from any IT department, opening a invaluable wndow over the IT operations! Experience the future with our groundbreaking dashboard, providing insights into IT diagnostics and service requests, all in one place. DT-D.A.S.H. streamlines all IT […]

Intelligent Workplace: The Work Environment Becomes Fluid

Original article Intelligent workplace, l’ambiente di lavoro diventa fluido In July 2024 I was invited by Data Manager to participate to a very interesting round-table. The round table included representatives from SAS, PwC, NextThink, DeAgostini (a major Italian publisher), NPO (a 450+ professionals integrator), and Emilia Romagna (the IT department of a regional public sector).Here […]

The Power of Service Catalogue Management in Multinational Enterprises

One powerful tool in meeting the challenges of modern IT management is effective Service Catalogue management. This article explores why regular management of the Service Catalogue and engagement with Service Owners are crucial for tracking processes and achieving business goals in a multinational context, with a particular focus on the hidden costs of unmaintained software […]

CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python

Course description AI is transforming how we live, work, and play. By enabling new technologies like self-driving cars and recommendation systems or improving old ones like medical diagnostics and search engines, the demand for expertise in AI and machine learning is growing rapidly. This course will enable you to take the first step toward solving […]

ECJA Spring Meeting 2024 – Round table moderator

ECJA organizes events and meetings for alumni/ae around themes related to the commitment in the world and the society in the perspective of Christian and humanistic values, as practiced and promoted by the Society of Jesus in its educational work. These activities shall help us to become men and women of depth, men and women […]

Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

Those who earn the globally recognized Professional Scrum Product Owner I (PSPO I) certification have demonstrated a fundamental level of Professional Scrum Product Ownership, proving an intermediate understanding of the Scrum framework and how to apply it to maximize the value delivered with a product. This individual has also demonstrated an understanding of how to […]

My Journey with Offshore Partnerships and Customer Satisfaction

In the fast-paced world of software development, managing offshore partnerships can be a complex challenge. However, when done right, it can lead to remarkable results. I’d like to share my experience of leading a software factory with 150 Indian developers and how we dramatically improved customer satisfaction from 2.85 to 4.41 out of 5.

ITIL 4 ® Foundation

ITIL® 4 Foundation demonstrates this individual understands the key concepts of IT and digital service delivery including the key concepts, guiding principles and practices of ITIL® 4 for service management. They have a fundamental understanding of the modern organisation’s end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and continual improvement of technology-enabled products and services. They […]

SAP Leonardo: the intelligent enterprise is already in reach

Original Article SAP Leonardo: l’intelligent enterprise è gia’ a portata di mano The association that gathers current and potential SAP users recently dedicated a day to the vendor’s platform that enables the introduction of new IT models such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and others. Interview with Roberto Carnevale, organiser of the event.

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